Sunday, November 24, 2013

Zompoc Diaries: May 2010

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Hey, readers.
This being the first post and all, I figured I should introduce myself.
I'm Sergei Velkovanov. I'm a building contractor specializing in Panic Rooms and Underground structures, specifically, Secure Underground Server Bunkers, storm shelters, fallout shelters and the like. I've finished around 25 small to medium sized projects so far, and am looking for more contracts. I have a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan State University. I Graduated in May of 1998.

I was just hired by a local guy to design and build a large underground bunker for his family and close friends for the inevitable Shit hitting the fan. I'm very skeptical about any "Apocalyptic" fads, conspiracy theories and the like. None of the "prophetic" rants about the "End of the World" have happened; The dates have come and gone with not so much as a few incidents of mass suicide. I don't buy into them. On the other hand, however, I do consider these threats of nuclear war, invasion or government takeover as something to look into and prepare for. Growing up in Russia, I saw the fear and panic during the Cold war, and how shitty it is when the government gets too powerful and begins oppressing her people. I've learned that being prepared is necessary. I've also learned that at some point, the government needs to be put into it's place. They need to be reminded that their reach is getting a little long.

But back to my Client. I know him pretty well. I've done other Minor Remodeling projects for him in the past. His name, for the sake of confidentiality, is JL. . I am quite familiar with the piece of land he wants to build on. I hunted there before he bought it. It would definitely be a prime location for the type of build he wants. I've got all of the technical drawings done, and just need the green light to break ground. It's going to be the largest bunker I've built so far, but It should be relatively simple.

While I'm working on the project, my Wife and I will be living on site in my Earthroamer, a ruggedized, durable motorhome built on a beefed up Ford F650 chassis.

After doing some research about Lansing, my current city of residence, I found out that there are 2 existing fallout shelters in the city. One of which is a city-owned bunker under the Capital Area District Library at Capitol Avenue and Kalamazoo street. The other is a privately owned shelter under the greenhouses at the Peckum factory on Grand River avenue, west of Lansing. If something does happen, the shelters can only accept about 1500 each.


Zompoc Diaries: Introduction

The Posts that follow are a fictional account of the events of the (Fictional) Zombie Apocalypse and following Nuclear war.
Concepts (Post-infection locations, divided territories, etc) borrowed from, inspired by or based on:

TV Shows:
-The Walking Dead
-The Colony

-Resident Evil
-World war Z
-28 hours later
-28 weeks later
-Book of Eli
-Mad Max
-Shaun of the Dead
-Dawn of the Dead
-The Hunger Games
-Death Race
-I Am Legend
-Aeon Flux
-Terminator series

-The Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks)
-World War Z (Max Brooks)
-The Walking Dead series (Robert Kirkman)
-Feed (By Myra grant)


-Primary Location: Lansing, Michigan
--Bunker: Waverly road and Saginaw Highway, South-East corner on the current location of the Waverly Golf Course.
--Secondary: Delta River Drive and Waverly Road

-Collaborations are welcome.
-Reports of other groups of survivors, Details of other survival shelters and such are welcomed and encouraged.
-It will start out with the Accounts of Sergei Velkovanov, an engineer.
-Soon, others will begin posting. Other survivors.
-Some posts will be added in according to their date...some were typed at other locations.

All posts are from the Blog of Sergei Velkovanov, called “Prepping with Sergei” with guest posts by those in his party.
Sergei posts as “russianrogue”
All characters names have been changed to preserve their anonymity


Thursday, October 3, 2013


For anyone who write's Zombie / Post Apocalyptic fiction, here's a list of places I've found some great information.


Zombie Crisis

Zombie Squad

We're Alive Forum


Zombie Survival Wiki


The Australian Zombie Awareness Association

We Zombie

Survival Spot


Map of the Dead



Robert Kirkman, Max Brooks, KC Wayland, George Romero...all of these men are legends in the Zombie Fiction Genre. I've been catching up on the Walking Dead, thanks to Netflix making Season 3 Available.
I've also been listening to the We're Alive Podcast. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Zombie fiction.

Here's a link to the Podcast website.


Friday, September 6, 2013


So I've been listening to a Zombie-Apocalypse-themed Podcast Audio Drama called "We're Alive".
As far as Audio Drama's go, this one is amazing. The acting is very good, the writing is excellent, and it progresses quite nicely.

It follows a small group of soldiers stationed in a base near Los Angeles. As the story progresses, more survivors join their group. They face some pretty difficult sutations and have to make decisions that affect the whole group.

If you're into that kind of thing, check it out here.



Hey, everyone. Matt here. I've been doing some work on one of my stories in particular recently.
Set in Lansing, Michigan, starting in 2010, and working up to present, and future, it follows +Sergei Velkovanov , a Russian-American Building contractor. The first 2 years are spent building a large underground bunker in Lansing, in preparation for a large-scale Catastrophic event.

Over the course of the story, a Global Viral Outbreak occurs, bringing on the Zombie Apocalypse.
From that point on, the story covers the survival and notable events by way of Journal Entries.

I'll be posting links to the story as I finish Editing them.



As a writer, I'm always thinking. The problem is, the times I do my best thinking are also the times when I'm not able to put them down on paper, type them out, sketch them or otherwise document them. I'm hoping this blog will help me out with that.

At any rate, I've been working on a few stories for some time now, and I'm going to be posting them up on here. My good friend +Phil Hammar will be posting up some pictures of some vehicles he's drawn up for me, and I'll be posting up relevant links here and there.

Thanks for reading, and check back often.